Your website is your storefront on the internet, which means it’s very important to keep it clean and orderly at all times. If something doesn’t work, your customers or visitors to your site will see this and that could cause trouble. They may let you know and wait for it to be fixed and then do what they needed or they may leave and never come back. Neither of these theories are good, so it’s best to continually make sure your website is working properly.

As a busy business owner you may not have the time it takes to do this properly or you may not know how to do it, so it’s best to hire a Virtual Assistant to do it for you. Here are several suggestions of duties you can have your Virtual Assistant do to make sure your website is working for you and not against you.

1. Links

The links on your site are important as they lead to other places on your site or to information that pertains to you. If these links don’t work you could be losing money. The best thing to do is have your Virtual Assistant check each link on your site once a month. This will give you peace of mind and you’ll know you won’t be losing money. This would include internal links that go to other pages on your site, external links going to other pages, and any buttons, banners, or text links you have on your site.

A Virtual Assistant who can help her customers and make forethought of ALL the strides – from helping the customer conceptualize themes for the select in, to entering the substance in the autoresponder system, to making the pick in structure, an incredible thank you page and making everything look extraordinary – gives incredible worth to a business.

2. Updates

If you’re using WordPress there are updates you must do to your site to keep it safe and running properly. These updates will be related to your site, your theme, and any plugins you have.

If these aren’t updated you could have hackers come in and destroy your site, spammers could make it through and target your blog or site comments, and then your site may not work depending on what the update did and what it changed. It’s not worth it to have these problems, so it’s best to have your Virtual Assistant keep up on all of these changes weekly.

3. Backup

One last thing that’s important for any website business owner is to have a backup of your site. You never know when your server will crash or if a hacker manages to get in. With a backup you’ll have little to no risk of needing to recreate your site. You can do daily or weekly backups, but it’s not recommended that you go longer than one month as the information you may need to recreate could be substantial if you go longer than one month. Giving your Virtual Assistant access to your cpanel will allow her to do these backups for you.

Protecting your website is a very important thing to do and needs to be done regularly. When you hire a Virtual Assistant to help you with these three tasks, you’ll have the peace of mind you need to continue growing your business knowing your website will be protected at all times. You’ll also feel at ease knowing it will work for you and not against you.